creates a SummarizedExperiment object
based on protein table and user's input about experimental design.
make_TMT_se( proteins_unique, columns_positions, intensities, time_unit = 30, time_span = c(1, 2, 4, 8, 16), numerator = "prot", denominator = "body", sep = "_" )
proteins_unique | Data.frame,
Protein table with unique names annotated in the 'name' column
(output from |
columns_positions | Integer, position of columns that contain experiment quantitative data |
intensities | Character, names of columns that contain experiment quantitative data |
time_unit | Integer, unit of time in that defines the experiment |
time_span | Integer, number of times that the time_unit is repeated at the experimental timepoint |
numerator | Character, condition of interest (prot) |
denominator | character, condition to make relative (body) |
sep | Character, The separator used to parse the column header |
A SummarizedExperiment object with log2-transformed values, normalised to control and median subtracted (by column).
if(interactive()){ # Load example data <- prot.raw data <- data[data$Reverse != "+" & data$Potential.contaminant != "+" & data$Reverse != "+" ,] data_unique <- make_unique(data, "Gene.names", "Protein.IDs", delim = ";") columns_positions<-str_which(colnames(data_unique), "Reporter.intensity.corrected.(\\d)+.(\\d)") intensities <- colnames(data_unique)[str_which(colnames(data_unique), "Reporter.intensity.corrected.(\\d)+.(\\d)")] # Make SummarizedExperiment se <- make_TMT_se(data_unique,columns_positions,intensities, time_unit=30, time_span=c(1,2,4,8,16), numerator= "prot", denominator= "body", sep = "_") }